среда, 17 октября 2012 г.

Super admin login on SQL Server 2012

Many of us saw 'sa' user in the logins sections
How to use it for login?
First of all let's set a password for 'sa'. Double click on 'sa' and set a password.
Then for enabling user for login go to the 'Status' page and switch Login option to 'Enabled'

Now you can login using 'sa' login name

вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

How to set custom url instead of localhost

Assume that we're developing a web application using ASP.NET and IIS, we want to be able to go on site not by http://localhost/myfakesite domain, rather http://myfakesite.com
First of all open IIS, right click on the "Sites" on the left panel and create a new site. It's important to set the sorrect physical URL where site resides on a hard drive:

Next we can see that the bindings are already created
Don't forget to set right framework version of application pool

Finally go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and add into hosts file a line www.myfakesite.com
